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NFT Marketing Module 10: Top NFT Newsletters for marketing

One of the best ways to market your NFT is to join and reach out to popular NFT newsletters and news sites. Keep in mind that sending newsletters is means that the newsite has captured an email, not just a Twitter or Discord follower. So while all three are important and preferred by different audiences, the newsletter often represents a closer relationship.
 Start with the newsletter of the platform or exchange you are using and sign up for it first, and then join the Discord and Twitter group. Often the creators and influencers on a particular exchange will support other creators by promoting drops and releases.  Then look at this list and sign up with as many as you can to familiarize yourself with their approach. Some have calendars, and other promotional opportunities.
To reach out, send a short pitch letter with a link to your website and/or OpenSea.  Mention a news item you read similar to your project, or where the project would fit in the newsletter, such as the drop list or spot light on an artist. Do  focus on project strengths – the concept, team, size of the community, and importance in the niche. Hopefully, you’ve researched similar projects on the marketplace already, so you can pitch how yours is unique. Feel free to reach out if you need help with this to alisa@web3collab.org.
If you are considering paid content, start small and check the results. Be sure to have all the back end set up, such as a white list for future drops, or a published project, so you can check conversions. Our recommendation is to buy branded content (ie a blog about your project) rather than display ads.
Here are a few of the top newslettters in the NFT space:

NFT Evening’s “To the Moon”

This is a newsletter Web3Collab.org editors follow. It has the typical NFT news such has world firsts, novel partnerships, famous brand launches and gaming innovations; plus the top five winners and losers. However, it also gives the editor’s email right in the email, and picks a lesser known artist every day to spotlight.  Finally, they offer an ebook, Secrets of NFT Millionaires, when you sign up, plus you can DIY add your project to their calendar of NFT drops. So, yes, they understand marketing!

NFT Lately

This one is especially fun and entertaining, if you are looking for “know more than your NFT friends in 5 minutes a day” this is for you.  Expect news like Barbie’s new NFT collab,  Del Monte joins Metaverse food industry with 8 trademarks,  What to know about the NFT market crash, all-time most expensive Cardano NFTs  (or fill in the blank, lots of these)! Here’s what Coinbound says:

“NFT Lately is to NFTs what Morning Brew is to business. It’s a super engaging and easy to digest way to get all of the top NFT industry news in 5 minutes or less.

Since launching, they have built a really passionate community as well. Their newsletter subscribers include employees from Open Sea, Dapper Labs, Christie’s, Rarible, and more.

More serious NFT collectors and investors will find value in their premium newsletter as well.

NFT Lately is also a great NFT Twitter account to follow.”

Join NFT Lately


This company issues quarterly reports on the NFT market and tracks the trailing 7 days of NFT sales. and a variety of analytic trackers and news you can sign up for. A step more granular and investment-oriented than NFTlately.

Here’s what Coinbound says:

“NonFungible.com is one of the most recognizable sites in the NFT space. You can use their service to find new NFTs, track the current trends, and analyze what is happening on the market. It comes to us as no surprise that the site is also providing its users with a comprehensive newsletter.

Their weekly update will educate you on the latest news in the space, and keep you informed about what might happen in the nearest future. If you want to keep tabs on what is currently the most talked-about piece of NFT art, this newsletter is definitely for you.”

Join NonFungible.com’s Newsletter

Forefront Newsletter

Forefront newsletter is all about thought leadership, a real winner for projects that are interested in thinking out of the box and combining NFTs with tokenization, and solving real-world issues.  Examples: Community ownership & culture, DAOs are not corporations, organizing into “squads.”

Here is what Coinbound says:

“The Forefront Newsletter is focused on delivering constant updates about the Social Token Content & Creators insights. We can see how NFTs tie into the mix.

Before signing up for their service, you have the option of looking through a sample e-mail. This is a good way to check out, what kind of content you are subscribing to. We think that it is well worth signing up for. Check it out: https://mailchi.mp/1f838c116eab/ff-press-issue-30 “

Join the Forefront Newsletter

Zima Red

Posted on Substack, this is an interesting read. Focuses a lot on markets going up and down and when and why. Drops an NFT article every Tuesday.

Sample: “Metaverse is already here but it’s communist…

But how many people jumped over the Berlin wall to get into the Soviet Union? How many people flee South Korea and head to North Korea?

Before NFTs, to platforms, we were merely renters.”

Here’s what Coinbound has to say:

“Zima Red is preoccupied with anything NFT related. Looking through their Newsletter, we are greeted with Roundups, data on up-and-coming NFT Ecosystems, and the future of the NFT market. The author’s mission is to report on everything, and a”nything related to this intellectual property space, dwelling deep into topics like iNFTs.”

Subscribe to Zima Red

Rarible Newsletter

Highly recommend signing up for as many marketplace newsletters as you can handle, including Opensea and Solsea. However sometimes the smaller marketplaces may give you a better chance to promote your project and keep tabs on something beyond the super expensive and culturally tweeky.  This one looks promising since it publishes lots of drops, samples: 4 hot NFT collections that sold out this week, and drops for French football, Dallas Symphony orchestra, Steve Jobs’1973 Job application.

Of course, you’ll have to have an NFT project on their platform to get coverage like this, but worth considering!

From Coinbound: “In their newsletter, we can read about popular NFTs, their history and the upcoming drops. They want to educate their creators, potential buyers and people who are into the NFT space about what is going on on the Rarible website.”

Subscribe to Rarible’s Newsletter


Metaversal “co-produces” NFT projects, with investment, a c0-production studio, and building significant partnerships, so a great company to follow if only to see what they are up to. They don’t publish as often, but are more serious and deep into the metaverse. From Coinbound:

“Through a more analytical view on NFT space, Metaversal provides us with articles about researching NFT projects, acquiring virtual land, or even Liquidity Mining around NFTs.

Metaversal dwells deep into the topic he chooses and is able to deliver high-quality articles on subjects that aren’t usually touched upon in the NFT space. Just check out some of his latest e-mails, to get a grasp on what Metaversal is about.”

Join Metaversal

Next up Module 11. Calendars & earned and paid paid Media 

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